Kim Jong Un welcomes Putin in North Korea

Kim Jong Un welcomes Putin in North Korea: In a huge geopolitical development, Russian President Vladimir Putin and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un made a new strategic partnership, assuring mutual defense along with deeper cooperation across various sectors.

This landmark agreement signed during Putin’s first visit to North Korea in 24 years, marks a dramatic elevation in relations between the two nations, facing growing tensions with the West.

A Historic Visit

Putin arrived around noon for a welcome event in Kim II Sung Square in the middle of Pyongyang. This square is named after Kim’s grandfather, the founder of North Korea.

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Thousands of North Koreans, waving Russian and North Korean flags and chanting “Welcome Putin,” lined the city’s roads. The visit began with a grand welcome ceremony at Kim Il Sung Square where both leaders were greeted by military workforces, children holding balloons, and large portraits of themselves.

The Breakthrough Agreement

The new strategic partnership has replaced previous agreements from 1961, 2000, and 2001. It takes mutual assistance in case of an attack, covering political, trade, investment, cultural, and security domains.

Putin praised the deal as a “breakthrough document,” reflecting a shared commitment to support each other amid international pressure. Kim described the deal as a “Watershed Moment” for bilateral relations.

The agreement’s potential implications, particularly whether it includes joint military drills or extends Russia’s nuclear warning to North Korea, remain subjects of rumor.

Strengthened Alliances

The joint declaration follows a period of heightened military cooperation between the U.S., South Korea, and Japan which Vladimir Putin criticized as “hostile” towards North Korea.

However, Kim expressed full support for Russia’s “special military operation” in Ukraine highlighting the unity between Pyongyang and Moscow. The leaders exchanged gifts during the visit.

Putin in North Korea

Putin presented Kim with a Russian-made Aurus limousine, a tea set, and a naval officer’s dagger, while Putin received artwork depicting him. The leaders’ close relationship was evident as they shared a limousine ride from the airport to the Kumsusan State Guest House.

International Reactions and Implications

Russia and North Korea are becoming progressively closer, which worries Seoul and Washington. It is very scary to think that Russia might give North Korea powerful military technology in exchange for weapons to support its war in Ukraine.

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Officials in the U.S. are worried about its impact on North Korea’s nuclear and missile initiatives which could make threats in the Asia-Pacific area worse.

A Historical Context

The latest formal move between the two countries is a gesture to their strong ties. Russia and North Korea had a long-lasting, sometimes tense, relationship since Putin’s last trip to Pyongyang in 2000 and Kim Jong Un‘s later trips to Russia.


The new agreement with North Korea signals a prominent shift in global alliances. This partnership not only underscores the mutual support between Russia and North Korea but also serves as a strategic move to counter Western influence.

The consequences of this deepened alliance will undoubtedly resound across international relations, particularly concerning security and stability in the Asia-Pacific region.

Frequently Asked Questions

Q.Why did Vladimir Putin visit North Korea?

A.Vladimir Putin visited North Korea to strengthen new ties and sign a new partnership agreement with Kim Jong Un.

Q.What is the new strategic partnership agreement about?

A.This agreement is about mutual assistance in case of emergency and corporation in political, trade, cultural, and security areas.

Q.What is the history of North Korea and Russia?

A.The relationship dates back to the late 1940’s during which the Soviet Union helped North Korea’s government.

Q.Did Kim Jong Un and Putin share any gifts?

A.Yes, Kim Jong Un gave Putin busts and artwork and Putin gave Kim an Aurus limousine and a tea set.

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